Build an IT Academy
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Start Your Own Software Academy
With the ever-growing deficit of skilled programming and digital specialists, hiring the right employees becomes more and more difficult. One of the answers to this problem is creating an academy to satisfy your organization’s needs and train qualified job candidates
There are many ways you can structure such an institution, but no matter which one you choose, we will help you establish it with:
250+ professional, group or self-paced programs and open courses in Programming, Design, and Digital Marketing;

Courses in basic, advanced, or expert levels;

Software for an interactive classroom, exercises and exam automation, and a complete learning management system;

Tailor-made training curriculums, teaching resources, and instructor recommendations.

We have vast experience in both operating a profitable e-learning business and helping others succeed in running their own. To begin your journey, choose one or more of the tools we provide:
Course lessons and presentations, hand-on exercises, video tutorials, test and exam materials, practical projects, and more.
Web-based applications for managing or improving student enrollment, virtual classrooms, video streaming, automated evaluation, and more.
Custom courses, specialized teaching materials, personalized resources, assistance in hiring experienced course instructors.