SoftUni's Learn to Code Community of Students, Mentors, IT Enthusiasts

What is The SoftUni Global Learn to Code Community?

We know learning how to code could be a solitary and protracted endeavor. The journey from a total beginner to a professional developer or IT specialist can be especially hard. That’s why we aim to create a community where like-minded students, mentors, and programming enthusiasts share knowledge, encouragement, and support. People from around the world get free lessons, resources, and help from our expert team.

For Beginners and Advanced Developers Alike

Questions, Homework and Project Assistance

Peer Support, Help, and Inspiration

Free Books, Lessons, and Tutorials

What will you gain from joining?

Improve the way you learn Programming

We believe that a global community can change the way learning happens. From exchanging knowledge to having fun meeting like-minded people, the community will help you follow your dreams and achieve your goals.

Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel

We believe in learning by doing. To help you better visualize fundamental programming concepts, we created a dedicated YouTube channel. We post videos, in which we explain theoretical knowledge and show practical exercises. We cover topics useful for both total beginner and advanced programmers.

On the channel, we publish:

Latest Publications from the Blog

Need More Help?

If you want to learn to code on a professional level, enroll in our self-paced Java or JavaScript Developer programs. They are specifically designed to give absolute beginners the knowledge and practical skills needed to start a tech job. Advance at your own pace with learning materials, examples from real-life projects, and technical support. Upon graduation, we also offer career assistance.

Start your programming journey today.

Become a Certified Java Developer

Become a Certified JavaScript Developer