SoftUni AI: Empowering Professionals with AI Skills for the Future
SoftUni AI: Future-Proof Your Career and Business with AI Training
SoftUni AI: Future-Proof Your Career and Business with AI Training
Revolutionizing Serbia’s IT education landscape through a franchise partnership that bridges talent and opportunity.
Say hello to Iliya Idakiev. He will take you into the world of Google Developer Experts
In this short video, we will get familiar with the Object-Relational Mapping concept
Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! Learn the four pillars of the Object-Oriented Programming!
Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstraction and Polymorphism
What are Data Structures? How Data Structures work with Algorithms?
Learn this and more in this dev lesson!
What is “functional programming”, “pure function”, “functional language”, “lambda function” and “higher-order function” and how these concepts work in modern programming?
Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! In this lesson we take a look at Methods and why they are one of the most important concept in the programming world!
Learn how to process console input and output in Java, how to read text and numbers and how to print formatted text and integers and floating-point values on the console.
Ever wondered what a database is? Watch this short video to find out!
SoftUni is one of the biggest and most respected providers of non-formal education in South-Eastern Europe. The company was founded in 2013 to provide accessible,
Many of you may ask yourself the question: “What do I need to become a programmer?” And immediately after that follows the answer: “A programming
SoftUni Global is the international branch of SoftUni, the largest tech education provider in South-Eastern Europe. We empower the IT business through talent acquisition and development, educators through learning content and tools, and individuals through organized zero-to-career programs for developers.