In our rubric, we share with you inspiring interviews with our most successful students to learn more about them – how they have found out that programming is in their blood, what motivates them to grow, which were their biggest obstacles, and other interesting questions. “I decided to study onsite. I preferred that form of education because of the ability to receive immediate help from the trainers and assistants for the things I did not understand, and they were always happy to help. I met different people with whom I exchanged knowledge and ideas.” What were Zacharia’s biggest obstacles during her software education and what advice she gave to all future students, read from the following lines!
Hello, Zacharia! Can you introduce yourself with a few words for the reader of our blog?
Greetings, my name is Zacharia Pehlivarova and I am 22 years old. I started my education at Software University in 2015 and I graduated in 2017. Since then, I have been working as a Back-End PHP Developer.
What attracted you to programming and do you have a favorite programming language?
I can’t say I have a favorite programming language, but I’ve been programming on PHP for more than a year and I really enjoy it. The thing about programming, that really caught my interest, was the fact that I was creating something new, which the people would like and make use of. Also, let’s not forget the feeling you get when you’ve spent hours, making thousands of attempts at something and finally you discover the right solution – it is priceless.
Which course from the program was the most useful for you and why?
Every course from the curriculum gave me additional knowledge, so I find each of them beneficial. Another thing, which I personally find very helpful was the team projects. I was lucky to have very cool colleagues – we helped each other.
Why did you choose Software University and what was the atmosphere during your education?
I choose Software University because of the curriculum. My decision was based on two main facts: the education was mainly focused on programming, with no unnecessary study material, and more importantly – the practical exercises are way more than the theory. I personally think that the latter one should be a priority in every profession.
What was the form of your education and why did you prefer it?
My form of education was onsite. I decided to study onsite. I preferred that form of education because of the ability to receive immediate help from the trainers and assistants for the things I did not understand, and they were always happy to help. I met different people with whom I exchanged knowledge and ideas.
What was the biggest difficulty for you during the program?
The hardest thing for me during my education was to “bend” my way of thinking so that I can understand what is actually happening “under the hood”
Who makes the better programmers, women or men?
I don’t think that gender affects this in any way. Every profession has its very good specialists, both men, and women. Everything depends on how much you are interested in programming itself and how big is your desire to do it. I admit, that people are staring strangely at me when I tell them what I am doing for a living, but I think, that nowadays more and more women are taking their place in this profession. The maxim and general idea, that software development is a man’s job, is starting to fall apart.
What other skills (besides programming) did you manage to gain from your education at Software University?
I managed to learn to work in a team, to understand other developers’ code, and to adjust mine to theirs.
Did the diploma from Software University help you succeed in the following professional realization?
Not only the diploma from the Software University helped me but also the academy itself. They helped me find the job I am currently working at.
How do you see yourself in 5 years in a professional plan?
In 5 years, I hope to be a person with much more technical knowledge, a person which performs way better, a person which is on a different level, a person which still strives to progress and develops.
And finally – what will you advise all our future students, which are about to begin their education at the Software University?
I want to advise them to never give up! There will be hard times, in which they will not know and understand what they are doing, but this is completely normal. Perseverance is the key – there is a lot to learn and you will need a lot more than a year, two, or three to do it.